Personal Finance

Personal Finance Daily Agenda 2019-20

Course Description: Personal Finance prepares students for successful management of their personal finances. It is a course that addresses the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors associated with the management of family economics and financial education. Dave Ramsey Foundations in Personal Finance will be used as our curriculum.

Homework: The students will have time in class to work on assignments anything not finished in class will be homework.

Folders: A folder for this class only is required for all students to stress the importance of organization and responsibility. Also a workbook will be given to each student to keep.

At the end of a nine-week marking period, Portage Public School grades are computed as described here. Some teachers use weighted categories in computing nine week percentage grades while other teachers will total the points earned based on the completion of the assignments and assessments given throughout the course

For the total points classroom, the student’s percentage score is calculated by:

Total Points Earned X 100%

Total Points Possible

Student scores that result in .05 or higher should be rounded up. The following percentage scale applies. All Portage nine weeks letter grades are computed based on these percentages.

Grades will be rounded up only to the tenth place during this calculation. Students will only earn a passing grade for a marking period if they achieve at or above 59.45%, which rounds to 59.5%.

The final semester grade is based on a composite of two nine-week grades and the final examination/culminating assessment/project. Each nine weeks grade is worth 3/7 of the final grade while the semester exam is worth approximately 1/7 of the final grade. Students must adhere to the district attendance policy which is found in student handbook.

Units of Study: Throughout this course, students will learn:

- Savings

- Investment Options

- Wealth Building and College Savings

- Dangers of Debt

- Consumer Awareness

- Credit Bureaus and Collection Practices

- Budgeting 101

- Bargain Shopping

- Relating with Money

- Career Choices and Taxes

- Ins and Outs of Insurance

- Real Estate and Mortgages

Classroom Rules-Behavior Expectations:

1. Attend class regularly and be on time.

2. No talking when Coach Andrews is talking!

3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on for questions and comments.

4. Do not write on the tables or anything else that does not belong to you.

5. Do not leave garbage lying around; throw it away before you leave.

6. No pop or food in the classroom. (You may drink water)

7. Do not use profanity or other offensive language.

8. Be respectful and polite-this includes other people and their belongings.

9. All school rules and consequences outlined in the planner apply as well.

10. Give 100% effort at all time; you will earn the grade you get!